Carcinoid & Neuroendocrine Tumor Society

An association of patients, caregivers and physicians, promoting better understanding of carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancer,
a relatively rare disease which is poorly understood and is often misdiagnosed.

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The association was formally registered on 9 April 2009 (ROS Number 2039/2009). The founders of the association are Dr. Paul Ho, Lam Wei Choong, and William Claxton. Founding members include local and foreign patients, and many prominent Carcinoid NETs specialist physicians in Singapore.

The vision for establishing a network of regional support groups to help patients, caregivers and physicians involved with carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumors was first articulated by Maureen Coleman, co-founder and President of the Carcinoid-NeuroEndocrine Tumour Society Canada, and Sandi Barkan, NAAPNET President, at an international conference on Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors held in Norfolk Virginia in September 2007. Their vision was dubbed 'CNETS without borders'. CNETS Singapore was born of that vision, and works actively to coordinate with other regional support groups.

Contacts for Carcinoid-NeuroEndocrine Tumour Society Canada and other support groups can be found on our resources page.

The Constitution

Our constitution is drafted in accordance with guidelines established by the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs, Registry of Societies.

Our Objectives

  • Promote better understanding of carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancer, a relatively rare disease which is poorly understood and is often misdiagnosed.
  • Promote awareness of targeted and biological therapies, which have shown great promise in treating carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancer and which could potentially lead to targeted and biological therapies for other cancers.
  • Educate and support the community of patients, caregivers and physicians who deal with carcinoid and neuroendocrine disease, in Singapore and throughout the Asia Pacific region, for example by creating a regional directory of specialist physicians and treatment centres.
  • Deploy collaborative Internet technologies as a platform for the community of patients, caregivers and physicians who deal with carcinoid and neuroendocrine disease to help themselves and each other.
  • Organise informational conferences, seminars, group discussions, and networking opportunities for the benefit of patients, caregivers and the wider medical community, in Singapore and throughout the Asia Pacific region.
  • Coordinate with the relevant authorities to strengthen Singapore's capacity to diagnose and treat carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancer, with the goal of establishing Singapore as a centre-of-excellence in diagnosis and treatment of this rare disease.
  • Develop affiliations with other international associations having similar objectives.
CNETS logo
About our Logo

Physicists have Occam's Razor and IT Geeks have KISS. When multiple explanations are available for a phenomenon, the simplest version is preferred. Medical school students are also taught to zoom in on the simplist explanation with the saying: "when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras".

It is common in the carcinoid and neuroendocrine community to refer to patients (aka 'noids') as zebras. This is because they often experience years of misdiagnosis as Chron's or irritable bowel (IBS), before their disease is properly identified. Sadly, for more than half of the patients, their cancer is already metastatic at the time of diagnosis.

Thus our logo (and the logo of many similar organisations) is a zebra. Our zebra was drawn by Celia Ng, on 8 September 2008.